Baby Lambs Day Nursery
Baby Lambs Day Nursery

Information from A to Z

Here you can find out about how we run things at Baby Lambs Day Nursery. We need your help to keep this organisation running as smoothly as possible!


If you would like a place for your child at our centre, please make an appointment and we'll gladly take the time to explain everything you need to know. You can make an appointment by phone, email or by using our contact form. We look forward to meeting you!



What happens if my child is ill?

It's unavoidable that small children catch all kinds of minor infections. For a speedy recovery and to prevent the other children from falling ill, children who are unwell must stay at home. Only when the fever has subsided for a whole day should you return your child to the nursery. If the disease is infectious, we'll need a doctor's note confirming that your child is no longer contagious.


322 Lee High Road


SE13 5PJ



020 8244 4349 020 8244 4349



Opening hours

Monday to Friday

8.00 am - 6.00 pm




Please also use our contact form

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